In 2019 we were invited by Silvina Cornillón to make our own version of the logo from
"La Liga de la Animación Iberoamericana" (Ibero-American Animation League)
created by Pixeatl, Ventana Sur Animation and the Quirino Awards
This alliance responds to the objective shared by the three events of promoting the creation and development of audiovisual projects in the region, strengthening the ties of collaboration between Latin American countries.
To continue spreading this collaborative spirit, artists from Latin America have been invited to make their reversal of the original logo designed by the Argentinian Juan Pablo Zaramella. Studios from Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Spain and Ecuador were the first to create pieces that circulated on social networks.
La Liga de la Animación Iberoamericana are:
Pixeatl, Ventana Sur Animation and the Quirino Awards.